
I helped craft and own the brand at Indiggo. My responsibilities included website design, one-pagers, marketing and graphic design, and providing creative direction.

My Contributions

Research • Data Analytics • Brand Creation • Creative Direction • Mockups • Usability Testing • Product Management • Dev Support

Brand & Web Presence.

I co-owned the brand along with our CEO at Indiggo.

My responsibilities were the public website, one-pagers, marketing, and social media materials.

New Market Category.

At Indiggo, we took on the daunting task of creating a new market category called ReturnOnLeadership®.

I provided creative direction for this project, as well as a joint initiative with the Fortune team called ROL100™ Ranking.

My responsibilities were all design assets as well as the web presence of this project, working closely with the research, analysis, and engineering teams as well as the Fortune team.

Additionally, I designed a number of landing pages for different marketing and product promotion initiatives to help grow our brand, category, and product.

This work included web, graphic, and animation design to bring the landing page alive with engaging visuals.




Graphic Design