Cases App
Design a simple and intuitive app for police officers and detectives to help them keep track of their case to-do lists.
My Contributions
Research • Validation • Wireframes • Mockups • Prototyping • SwiftUI Prototype • Usability Testing • Dev Support
The Challenge.
Create a highly intuitive iOS app to help police officers and detectives keep track of their to-do items for their cases.
The main goal was simplicity. One of the requirements was minimal time investment in learning a new app. It should be familiar right from the start, removing barriers to entry and allowing police officers to do thier jobs more effectively.
Inspiration for this project was the native iOS ToDo app, with a sprinkling of the Mail and Calendar apps.
Police officers are busy and do not have time to learn additional software, so by keeping close to the Apple Design Guidelines, I created an experience that felt familiar right from the start.
A simple TabBar navigation provided opportunities to include additional features useful for tracking court dates and managing the settings of the app.